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Poice.app is the leading audio advice platform, your personal audio mentor

Unleash the potential for change and growth with wise words and advice from famous people

True Way


Time-Efficient discovery

You can save hours by listening to only the most important and useful part of each podcast

Parallel use

You can continue using other applications without interrupting your audio. Audio will play even if your smartphone screen turns off

Quality content

You will enjoy quality audio that promotes lifelong learning and wisdom. In case you lose the audio, you can always find it easily, as there is a saving option for easy access

Important topics

Here you will find answers to important questions about business, psychology, parenting, personal development and much more.

Personal audio mentor

Poice.app is your personal audio mentor. You will achieve development and change thanks to the advice of famous talented people.

Interactive AI assistance

Poice AI will become your personal advisor. You can ask any question that concerns you in these areas and listen to the answer in audio format

Install the Poice app

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